True confessions: PF Changs Edition




I. Love. PF Changs. There, I said it.

Authenticity and innovation be damned, their food is consistently good and you can find one or more in pretty much any larger city in America. My favorites there are the chicken lettuce wraps, Mongolian beef, and fried rice.

I recently came across’s recipe for PF Changs-style chicken-lettuce wraps, so I thought I’d give them a shot. I am happy to report, the recipe was a hit!

Of course, I had to put my own twist on it. Here’s what I changed:
– I used four whole skinless/boneless chicken breasts instead of the ground chicken. To me, ground chicken is weird and gross. I diced the breasts into tiny cubes to mimic the original.
– I left out the sriracha, as I am just not a fan.
– Before cooking the chicken, I marinated it for a few minutes in a mixture of about a teaspoon of lemongrass paste, a few drops of fish sauce, black pepper, and garlic salt.
– I also added some fish sauce to the hoisin/soy/mirin mixture in the recipe.
– I boiled up some thin rice noodles and let them cool.  I served them along with the chicken and lettuce to add a little more heft to each wrap.

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