Deliciously cheap and lazy…


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So a few weeks ago, amid a 5-hourĀ Stranger Things binge, my husband started asking about dinner. It was raining and neither one of us really had the motivation to go to the store. I poked around the kitchen and found I had some canned tomatoes and spaghetti, so I went about finding a good sauce with few ingredients. And I found GOLD!

Gold beingĀ Marcella Hazan’s tomato and butter sauce. It sounds strange. All you need is butter, tomatoes, onions, and salt. Chop up the tomatoes and onions, throw in the salt and butter, and walk away. It’s delicious as is, but in the few times I have made it since, I’ve thrown in some basil and red pepper flakes as well.

It’s a great recipe for when you’re on a budget and/or just not really in the mood to create anything elaborate. Not to mention, the ingredients are things you normally might have laying around your kitchen.

Happy eating!